Tomorrow at Noah's school it's teacher appreciation day and so this project idea lined up perfect. I don't ever know what to get my husband as a gift and I've known him for years. How am I supposed to find something for a woman who is teaching my son everyday, empowering him with knowledge and gracing him with patience as he learns to live in a whole new world? And we've only known each other for three weeks? What the heck do you get a teacher?
A homemade present of the best kind!
So I cleared off the kitchen table.
I gave big and middle each their own set of fabrics. We had fuzzy white, soft bumpy brown, traditional pumpkin orange, fleece green, and a fun random array of fall colors on one single fabric.
I had the boys pick out bowls of varying sizes and gave them markers to start tracing. They delighted and succeeded at the task from the word go.
They took turns with the fabric scissors. One would trace and the other would cut.
After circles were cut, we would get our thread ready and the boys would do a light stitch around the outside of the circle.
Once the outside of the circle was stitched, I took over and started to pull the thread tight. Pulling the thread tight created a fun little pocket and the boys would take our recycled plastic grocery bags and stuff them inside.
Once stuffed, I would tie them closed and vola', a ball!
Well, it was a ball until we stuffed a stick in the top and then, magically it became a pumpkin.
We were having a grand ole time making a huge mess with markers, scissors and fabric all over. We went and hunted sticks outside and collected a large number that means we have many pumpkins to make.
Big picked his favorite and we decided that was the one he would give his teacher to sit on her desk.
We found the perfect size box, found some old green tissue paper and cut it up into strips. We then had lots of fun scrunching up the tissue paper to look like grass.
Here is the final gift.
Here is a small handful of our final product.
This is a really fun project to do with kids and I highly recommend it!